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Minister reiterates significance of TVET in addressing Ghana’s employment challenges

Minister reiterates significance of TVET in addressing Ghana’s employment challenges

August 30, 2019 at 9:32 AM

Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, Minister of Education has said that Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), is vital in addressing Ghana’s employment challenges.

He noted the Government believes that Ghana’s inability to generate knowledge and develop skills among the youth and the workforce, was a major hindrance to its industrialization agenda.

He said the strategy then had been, to expand technical and vocational opportunities at both secondary and tertiary levels, and thereby strengthen the linkages between education and industry, as well as give opportunities to the youth, to deploy their skills, to employ themselves.

Dr Opoku Prempeh made these remarks in a speech read on his behalf at the 2019 National Youth Dialogue on Transformative Education in Accra.

The forum on the theme, “Achieving Transformative Education: Youth Voices, Perspectives and Aspirations”, was organised by the CSOs Coalition for Youth Development, which comprises Foundation for Security and Development in Africa (FOSDA), Plan International Ghana and Youth SDG Platform.

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