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Organic cocoa has higher market value

 Organic cocoa has higher market value

July 17, 2019 at 8:53 AM

Mr Yayrator Glover, Chief Executive Officer of Yayra Glover Ghana Limited, an Organic Cocoa Production Company, has called on the cocoa growing sector to consider investments in organically cultivated cocoa towards to help the nation to reclaim its place as the world's highest producer of the crop.

He said cocoa ranked high among "luxury" foods, and the world's best processors placed high value on organic cocoa due to its quality, fetching 600 dollars more per ton on the market.

Mr Glover said this at a learning and sharing forum of the Agro Marketing Department of the Ho Technical University.

He said processors were keen on purchasing high quality beans free of toxic chemicals and residue, therefore farmers must produce to meet standards.

Mr Glover said the organic cocoa market demanded about 30,000 tons of beans from Ghana annually, and would create thousands of jobs when considered.

He said organic cocoa cultivation helped protect the ecosystem, causing other food organisms such as snails to flourish, and was the best in an era of growing concerns over the sustainability of the environment.

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